A Victorian Pocket Watch Chain
Before the invention of the wrist watch, all watches would have been pocket watches, as the name implies, it would have been kept in the breast pocket. Then came the neeed to keep your watch safe from pick pockets, and so came about the watch chain. The watch chain, originally called the watch guard, was invented in the early 19th century, this would have been a short chain attatching your watch to your clothes via a t-bar and clip. As we get into the Victorian era these chains became longer and more elaborate and were a very popular piece of gentleman's jewellery, often hung with fobs, seals, coin holders and vesta cases.
This is a Victorian watch chain with a decorative link, it has a t- bar to one end and a swivel dog clip to the other end to attatch to the pocket watch.
The gold plate is in good condition with no ware. The clasp works well.
Dimensions: 30cm long